Creating a HTTP_INTERCEPTORS in Angular to catch any server 500 or unhanded errors

Creating a HTTP_INTERCEPTORS in Angular to catch any server 500 or unhanded errors

Normally I have a base service class for 5XXX server errors or unhandled exceptions, or even in a case where you have a 422 /400 where there is a validation error and you want to warn the end-user to double-check the form inputs.This is another way to globally handle error messages.

Create DatePicker input component from Vue Js

Create DatePicker input component from Vue Js

Each date picker component out there is created for a specific need and in some cases, you find some components are overwhelming, has unnecessary features (for you) or does not follow pest user experience (again as per your project)

Securing the Windows Azure Storage Blob files with Shared Access Signature

Securing the Windows Azure Storage Blob files with Shared Access Signature

In a previous blog post, I demonstrated how easy to save and delete the file to Azure Blob Storage. If they are just public images its alright to leave them as public, but if they are private images and documents we need to secure them.

Vue Js & v-validate – validating a list (collection) on client side

Vue Js & v-validate – validating a list (collection) on client side

v-validate is one of the best validation plugins out there for Vue js, if you are looking to validate a list inside the form you can use below snippet.

Writing Twilio service to send SMS (TXT) Australian mobile number

Writing Twilio service to send SMS (TXT) Australian mobile number

In one of my previous blog post I have put together a service to verify valid Australian mobile number, in this post I will share the service I use to send SMS (TXT) messages to mobile numbers. 

Writing Twilio service to validate Australian mobile number

Writing Twilio service to validate Australian mobile number

Send a SMS (TXT)/Voice message to given mobile number, for SMS (TXT) based  verification will receive a 4 digits number which they will enter back. and that number get validated Cache Core – using in memory cache Cache Core – using in memory cache

Most of the apps we write have some data that not get updated frequently or not get updated at all. For example – suburb list, user roles, etc. We can avoid reading the database for all those entities by using a cached collection.

Using Chart.js (Chart JS) in Vue js with TypeScript

Using Chart.js (Chart JS) in Vue js with TypeScript

Chart.js is awesome, has many chart types and very configurable, most of all its free. Let’s look at how we can build it before we get started on the Vue component. We need to include the Chart.js wither via npm or by directly placing the file in your project (whatever easy).

Entity Framework Core (EF Core) group daily data to monthly

Entity Framework Core (EF Core) group daily data to monthly

I had to create a chart from Chart JS to display, displaying data with Chart JS is super easy, but getting the data from the server is bit tricky unless you are a SQL expert (well not me :)). Below query will group it by month.

Creating a google map with markers component with Vue js / TypeScript

Creating a google map with markers component with Vue js / TypeScript

I had to port google map JavaScript API to Vue js, that can pass in Lat/Long list, and other parameters.

Vue js , TypeScript class object initial field values

Vue js , TypeScript class object initial field values

Recently ran into some issues (Colleague of mine noticed it) working with VueJs (maybe its the same in Angular, but can’t remember). Properties won’t get default values, for example in C# if you do this, string fields will have an empty string (”), bool will have false, so on…

How to upload images (jpgs, pngs) from Vuejs to core webservice

How to upload images (jpgs, pngs) from Vuejs to core webservice

How to upload images (jpgs, pngs) from Vuejs to core web service core / C# Image Resize Service using ImageMagick NuGet core / C# Image Resize Service using ImageMagick NuGet core / C# Image Resize Service using ImageMagick NuGet

Creating a Autocomplete component from Vue JS and typescript

Creating a Autocomplete component from Vue JS and typescript

I had to create an Autocomplete component for fun, its no way near perfect. There are plenty of other implementations that are already serving the same purpose – but hey I wanted to do it my self – fair enough?

Creating a C#/ .net service to do Google Places API look up

Creating a C#/ .net service to do Google Places API look up

This code snippet demonstrates how you can create a C# .net service to do Google Places API lookup API

Creating a service to save and delete file in Windows Azure Storage Blob

Creating a service to save and delete file in Windows Azure Storage Blob

Creating a service to save and delete file in Windows Azure Storage Blob

Creating a pagination component emits click events to parent

Creating a pagination component emits click events to parent

Creating a pagination component emits click events to parent Core – User Accessor service to retrieve the current user from the HttpContext Core – User Accessor service to retrieve the current user from the HttpContext

Retrieve JWT claims from Bearer Token in API/MVC

Creating a reusable loader component in Vue Js

Creating a reusable loader component in Vue Js

Let look at how to create a reusable component in Vue Js, to start with we will create a simple loader component. Core – Centralising FluentValidation rules to a service Core – Centralising FluentValidation rules to a service

Centralising FluentValidation rules to a service

How to protect your routes using beforeEnter in Vue Js, allowing only logged in user to navigate to it.

How to protect your routes using beforeEnter in Vue Js, allowing only logged in user to navigate to it.

How to protect your routes using beforeEnter in Vue Js, allowing only logged in user can navigate to it. core API – Issue Jwt token upon successful login core API – Issue Jwt token upon successful login

This is a continuation of my previous post of Setting up core API for JwtBearer Authentication. This will show how to issue Jwt tokens upon successful login

Setting up core API for JwtBearer Authentication

Setting up core API for JwtBearer Authentication

Setting up core API for JwtBearer Authentication

Creating filters in Vue Js

Creating filters in Vue Js

Creating format date filter, registering it globally and using it. The example is in typescript. core 2.0 and Entity framework Core – registering DbContext with ServiceLifetime.Transient core 2.0 and Entity framework Core – registering DbContext with ServiceLifetime.Transient

Registering the DbContext in order to use it throughout the application as ServiceLifetime.Transient

Executing a command line (CMD) utility (.exe) and reading the output it generate  using C#

Executing a command line (CMD) utility (.exe) and reading the output it generate using C#

Executing a command line (CMD) utility (.exe) and reading the output it generate using C#

ASP.NET Core 2 – reading custom setting from appsettings.json

ASP.NET Core 2 – reading custom setting from appsettings.json core 2 released recently and I wanted to port my existing 1.1 app to 2.0. Updated the NuGet packages and most things remain same, but I noticed the reading app settings are broken (well there were few others too – may be later.)

EO.Pdf  by Essential Objects – Extending to include cookie authentication

EO.Pdf by Essential Objects – Extending to include cookie authentication

EO.Pdf by Essential Objects – Extending to include cookie authentication

important Angular and npm commands

important Angular and npm commands

This will have the code snippets to update Angular to latest and the useful npm commands

Azure deploy – Angular 2 webpack 1.12.14 project that came with ASP.NET Core + Angular 2 template for Visual Studio.

Azure deploy – Angular 2 webpack 1.12.14 project that came with ASP.NET Core + Angular 2 template for Visual Studio.

We have been having issues publishing the Angular 2 webpack 1.12.14 project that came with ASP.NET Core + Angular 2 template for Visual Studio.