C# – Convert HTML to PDF using API

C# – Convert HTML to PDF using API

Let’s see how we can use API to convert the same HTML using C# (.net)

C# querying the EWS Managed API from as core web api

C# querying the EWS Managed API from as core web api

Let see how we can integrate the Microsoft Exchange (AKA EWS) and access the information.

Unit testing Basic Authentication Handler in core (C# )

Unit testing Basic Authentication Handler in core (C# )

Unit testing Basic Authentication Handler in core (C# ), I will be using the Xunit (my preferred) and Moq, I personally prefer NSubstitute, but the project was already using Moq and I didn’t want to change it.

Using MediatR with Hangfire to pass requests that can be processed in the background jobs

Using MediatR with Hangfire to pass requests that can be processed in the background jobs

I need to move this email sending task out of the HTTP process and run it in the background. Hangfire is a very good solution for all the background tasks.

Posting messages to Microsoft Teams from your C#/ ASP NET Core application

Posting messages to Microsoft Teams from your C#/ ASP NET Core application

Sending emails is bit old and most check emails few times a day. One of the interesting ways of integration is Micrisoft Teams or Slack. These tools are popular among startups as well as enterprise clients.

ASP.NET Core C# API – Register a service dependency that uses HttpClient correctly

ASP.NET Core C# API – Register a service dependency that uses HttpClient correctly

More often we have to call a RESTfull service, it could be simple as sending an email, SMS, posting a message, etc. We use can use an HttpClient for all our HTTP calls. Alternatively, we can use a library such as Restshaper.

Azure DevOps – Calling REST endpoint via Powershell script

Azure DevOps – Calling REST endpoint via Powershell script

As part of the CI/CD, I had run the migrations I created with TypeORM (NodeJs), I have selected the path of creating a function that runs the script. Endpoint needs to be called once the app deployment is completed. Add a Powershell script with First, you need to run, so you will not get certificate […]

Getting started with Terraform Azure – Provision & Manage any Infrastructure

Getting started with Terraform Azure – Provision & Manage any Infrastructure

Each organisation is different, some has dedicated teams to manage and provision resources. But if you were to manage them your self as a developer, either you login to Azure Portal and create necessary resources yourself or you CI/CD (Infrastructure as a code) do it as part of the release.

Creating a Progressive Web App (PWA) service to include all features Angular

Creating a Progressive Web App (PWA) service to include all features Angular

Progressive Web Apps is the future of web apps, it brings a lot of capabilities to make our life easier and making it a lot closer to a native mobile app. It is not a native app but it does give you the offline capabilities, installation, updates.

Securing the Windows Azure Storage Blob files with Shared Access Signature

Securing the Windows Azure Storage Blob files with Shared Access Signature

In a previous blog post, I demonstrated how easy to save and delete the file to Azure Blob Storage. If they are just public images its alright to leave them as public, but if they are private images and documents we need to secure them.

Writing Twilio service to send SMS (TXT) Australian mobile number

Writing Twilio service to send SMS (TXT) Australian mobile number

In one of my previous blog post I have put together a service to verify valid Australian mobile number, in this post I will share the service I use to send SMS (TXT) messages to mobile numbers. 

Writing Twilio service to validate Australian mobile number

Writing Twilio service to validate Australian mobile number

Send a SMS (TXT)/Voice message to given mobile number, for SMS (TXT) based  verification will receive a 4 digits number which they will enter back. and that number get validated Cache Core – using in memory cache Cache Core – using in memory cache

Most of the apps we write have some data that not get updated frequently or not get updated at all. For example – suburb list, user roles, etc. We can avoid reading the database for all those entities by using a cached collection. core / C# Image Resize Service using ImageMagick NuGet core / C# Image Resize Service using ImageMagick NuGet core / C# Image Resize Service using ImageMagick NuGet Core – User Accessor service to retrieve the current user from the HttpContext Core – User Accessor service to retrieve the current user from the HttpContext

Retrieve JWT claims from Bearer Token in API/MVC core API – Issue Jwt token upon successful login core API – Issue Jwt token upon successful login

This is a continuation of my previous post of Setting up core API for JwtBearer Authentication. This will show how to issue Jwt tokens upon successful login

Setting up core API for JwtBearer Authentication

Setting up core API for JwtBearer Authentication

Setting up core API for JwtBearer Authentication core 2.0 and Entity framework Core – registering DbContext with ServiceLifetime.Transient core 2.0 and Entity framework Core – registering DbContext with ServiceLifetime.Transient

Registering the DbContext in order to use it throughout the application as ServiceLifetime.Transient

Web API discoverability using Swagger

Web API discoverability using Swagger

This tuturial will teach you how to configure the Swagger for Web API discoverability.

Register Dependencies in ASP.NET Core app

Register Dependencies in ASP.NET Core app

This quick tutorial will show how we ca register dependencies for Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core using the built-in container.