Menu Cache Core – using in memory cache Cache Core – using in memory cache

Most of the apps we write have some data that not get updated frequently or not get updated at all. For example – suburb list, user roles, etc. We can avoid reading the database for all those entities by using a cached collection.

Using Chart.js (Chart JS) in Vue js with TypeScript

Using Chart.js (Chart JS) in Vue js with TypeScript

Chart.js is awesome, has many chart types and very configurable, most of all its free. Let’s look at how we can build it before we get started on the Vue component. We need to include the Chart.js wither via npm or by directly placing the file in your project (whatever easy).

Entity Framework Core (EF Core) group daily data to monthly

Entity Framework Core (EF Core) group daily data to monthly

I had to create a chart from Chart JS to display, displaying data with Chart JS is super easy, but getting the data from the server is bit tricky unless you are a SQL expert (well not me :)). Below query will group it by month.