Creating a reusable table shimmer component using react js

Creating a reusable table shimmer component using react js

Recently I started switching to React js, knowing Angular and Vue js were not enough nowadays 😉 We all know the shimmer, I want to use this on all tables that have the data. So height of the table does not change while the data loads, also it looks nice. Shimmer.css .loading-shimmer { animation: shimmer […]

Bicep – language for deploying Azure resources (IaC)

Bicep – language for deploying Azure resources (IaC)

Deploying resources to Azure for multiple environments (Dev, Stg, UAT, etc.) can be a painful and time-consuming activity, especially if you don’t have a dedicated DevOps team to carry out these tasks. Even though you have the DevOps team, you will have the dependency on them to get your application out of the door in […]