Creating quick suburbs look up using ASP.NET Core web API and Angular 2 – part 2

Creating quick suburbs look up using ASP.NET Core web API and Angular 2 – part 2

In this tutorial I will be building a Australian suburb look up module using ASP.NET Core web API, as the second part I will create the client side, using Angular 2

Creating quick suburbs look up using ASP.NET Core web API and Angular 2 – part 1

Creating quick suburbs look up using ASP.NET Core web API and Angular 2 – part 1

In this tutorial I will be building a Australian suburb look up module using ASP.NET Core web API, as the first part I will create the server side.

Using Sqlite in ASP.NET Core

Using Sqlite in ASP.NET Core

Using Sqlite in your core application

Server side pagination in ASP.NET controler that supports any entity

Server side pagination in ASP.NET controler that supports any entity

Pagination on server side is a very common scenario. So thought about creating helper.

Web API discoverability using Swagger

Web API discoverability using Swagger

This tuturial will teach you how to configure the Swagger for Web API discoverability.

Advance auditing – audit every entity using EntityFramework-Plus

Advance auditing – audit every entity using EntityFramework-Plus

Auditing every changed field using the EntityFramework-Plus

Validation on server side using Fluent Validation

Validation on server side using Fluent Validation

When it comes to ASP.NET, it much easier to do the validation using FluentValidation.

Simple audit using Override Entity Framework SaveChanges()

Simple audit using Override Entity Framework SaveChanges()

Overriding Entity Framework SaveChanges() method so you can populate the entity ModifiedBy,ModifiedOn, CreatedBy, CreatedOn properties

Setting up AutoMapper in asp .net core app using AutoMapperProfile configuration

Setting up AutoMapper in asp .net core app using AutoMapperProfile configuration

This small tutorial will teach you how to set up AutoMapper, using AutoMapperProfile configuration

Configure ASP.NET MVC application routes for Anguler SPA

Configure ASP.NET MVC application routes for Anguler SPA

Angular 2 html routing with ASP.NET Core MVC application giving a 500 error when you do a browser refresh (F5), probably this tutorial if for you.

Register Dependencies in ASP.NET Core app

Register Dependencies in ASP.NET Core app

This quick tutorial will show how we ca register dependencies for Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core using the built-in container.

Entity Framework Core extensions remove pluralisation of table name

Entity Framework Core extensions remove pluralisation of table name

Writing an extension for removing pluralisation of table names in Entity Framework Core extensions.

Configuring the AutoMapper property binding behaviour

Configuring the AutoMapper property binding behaviour

You will have to change the way the properties get mapped most of the time, as it not always one-to-one.

Migrations and Seeding on ASP.NET Core

Migrations and Seeding on ASP.NET Core

Migrations and Seeding on ASP.NET Core