Getting started with Terraform Azure – Provision & Manage any Infrastructure

Getting started with Terraform Azure – Provision & Manage any Infrastructure

Each organisation is different, some has dedicated teams to manage and provision resources. But if you were to manage them your self as a developer, either you login to Azure Portal and create necessary resources yourself or you CI/CD (Infrastructure as a code) do it as part of the release.

Creating a Azure Mobile Service (also using OData) to create a generic BaseController for CURD operations.

Creating a Azure Mobile Service (also using OData) to create a generic BaseController for CURD operations.

Creating a Azure Mobile Service (also using OData) to create a generic BaseController for CURD operations.

Using .NET Core CLI for Entity framework migrations

Using .NET Core CLI for Entity framework migrations

You can refer to full list of commands here. Documenting this for my own reference especially as my mind goes blank sometimes