Using OData paginated payload with ngx-bootstrap Pagination component

Using OData paginated payload with ngx-bootstrap Pagination component

All the OData endpoints have stranded responses, I don’t want to change it. Now I need to do my Angular implementation to support OData stranded.

Using OData to fast track your API development

Using OData to fast track your API development

I have been having a lot of interest in OData for a few years, but never had the opportunity to actually start implementing it. Since I can’t see an interesting project on the horizon, I thought I will start playing around with one of the sample databases, Adventure Work.

Creating a Model for an Existing Adventure Works Database in Entity Framework Core

Creating a Model for an Existing Adventure Works Database in Entity Framework Core

Recently I started playing around with Odata and wanted to fast track development with an existing database. I don’t want to waste time on data and the database structure, rather I spend time on core oData.