Create DatePicker input component from Vue Js

Create DatePicker input component from Vue Js

Each date picker component out there is created for a specific need and in some cases, you find some components are overwhelming, has unnecessary features (for you) or does not follow pest user experience (again as per your project)

Vue Js & v-validate – validating a list (collection) on client side

Vue Js & v-validate – validating a list (collection) on client side

v-validate is one of the best validation plugins out there for Vue js, if you are looking to validate a list inside the form you can use below snippet.

Using Chart.js (Chart JS) in Vue js with TypeScript

Using Chart.js (Chart JS) in Vue js with TypeScript

Chart.js is awesome, has many chart types and very configurable, most of all its free. Let’s look at how we can build it before we get started on the Vue component. We need to include the Chart.js wither via npm or by directly placing the file in your project (whatever easy).

Creating a google map with markers component with Vue js / TypeScript

Creating a google map with markers component with Vue js / TypeScript

I had to port google map JavaScript API to Vue js, that can pass in Lat/Long list, and other parameters.

How to upload images (jpgs, pngs) from Vuejs to core webservice

How to upload images (jpgs, pngs) from Vuejs to core webservice

How to upload images (jpgs, pngs) from Vuejs to core web service

Creating a Autocomplete component from Vue JS and typescript

Creating a Autocomplete component from Vue JS and typescript

I had to create an Autocomplete component for fun, its no way near perfect. There are plenty of other implementations that are already serving the same purpose – but hey I wanted to do it my self – fair enough?

Creating a pagination component emits click events to parent

Creating a pagination component emits click events to parent

Creating a pagination component emits click events to parent

Creating a reusable loader component in Vue Js

Creating a reusable loader component in Vue Js

Let look at how to create a reusable component in Vue Js, to start with we will create a simple loader component.

How to protect your routes using beforeEnter in Vue Js, allowing only logged in user to navigate to it.

How to protect your routes using beforeEnter in Vue Js, allowing only logged in user to navigate to it.

How to protect your routes using beforeEnter in Vue Js, allowing only logged in user can navigate to it.