Creating a reusable table shimmer component using react js

Creating a reusable table shimmer component using react js

Recently I started switching to React js, knowing Angular and Vue js were not enough nowadays šŸ˜‰ We all know the shimmer, I want to use this on all tables that have the data. So height of the table does not change while the data loads, also it looks nice. Shimmer.css .loading-shimmer { animation: shimmer […]

Making Angular reactive forms easier (or better) with @rxweb/reactive-form-validators

Making Angular reactive forms easier (or better) with @rxweb/reactive-form-validators

Making Angular reactive forms easier (or better) with @rxweb/reactive-form-validators

Azure DevOps – Calling REST endpoint via Powershell script

Azure DevOps – Calling REST endpoint via Powershell script

As part of the CI/CD, I had run the migrations I created with TypeORM (NodeJs), I have selected the path of creating a function that runs the script. Endpoint needs to be called once the app deployment is completed. Add a Powershell script with First, you need to run, so you will not get certificate […]

Azure Functions – Serve SPA assets using proxies.json that support Angular routes

Azure Functions – Serve SPA assets using proxies.json that support Angular routes

When you work with Azure Functions, you can use Azure table storage “Static website” to store all your Angular bundles and assets or even a CDN. Then you can set up your proxies.json to serve the files, everything is pretty much the basics.

Publishing your Angular Library to your organisation DevOps npm feed

Publishing your Angular Library to your organisation DevOps npm feed

Publishing your Angular Library to your organisation DevOps npm feed

Creating Azure resources through Azure DevOps (VSTS) CI/CD pipeline

Creating Azure resources through Azure DevOps (VSTS) CI/CD pipeline

Create resources automatically using CI/CD, including creating resources such as Storage,Ā  Azure Functions, etc.

Publishing Angular unit test and code coverage results on Azure DevOps CI/CD pipe line

Publishing Angular unit test and code coverage results on Azure DevOps CI/CD pipe line

As most of us know writing unit test is one of the hot topics among developers, and we all try to write to our best abilities and time constraints. This is about how we can publish results to DevOps as part of your Angular build.

Creating a Progressive Web App (PWA) service to include all features Angular

Creating a Progressive Web App (PWA) service to include all features Angular

Progressive Web Apps is the future of web apps, it brings a lot of capabilities to make our life easier and making it a lot closer to a native mobile app. It is not a native app but it does give you the offline capabilities, installation, updates.

Creating a HTTP_INTERCEPTORS in Angular to catch any server 500 or unhanded errors

Creating a HTTP_INTERCEPTORS in Angular to catch any server 500 or unhanded errors

Normally I have a base service class for 5XXX server errors or unhandled exceptions, or even in a case where you have a 422 /400 where there is a validation error and you want to warn the end-user to double-check the form inputs.This is another way to globally handle error messages.

Create DatePicker input component from Vue Js

Create DatePicker input component from Vue Js

Each date picker component out there is created for a specific need and in some cases, you find some components are overwhelming, has unnecessary features (for you) or does not follow pest user experience (again as per your project)

Using Chart.js (Chart JS) in Vue js with TypeScript

Using Chart.js (Chart JS) in Vue js with TypeScript

Chart.js is awesome, has many chart types and very configurable, most of all its free. Let’s look at how we can build it before we get started on the Vue component. We need to include the Chart.js wither via npmĀ or by directly placing the file in your project (whatever easy).

Creating a google map with markers component with Vue js / TypeScript

Creating a google map with markers component with Vue js / TypeScript

I had to port google map JavaScript API to Vue js, that can pass in Lat/Long list, and other parameters.

How to upload images (jpgs, pngs) from Vuejs to core webservice

How to upload images (jpgs, pngs) from Vuejs to core webservice

How to upload images (jpgs, pngs) from Vuejs to core web service

Creating a Autocomplete component from Vue JS and typescript

Creating a Autocomplete component from Vue JS and typescript

I had to create an Autocomplete component for fun, its no way near perfect. There are plenty of other implementationsĀ that are already serving the same purpose – but hey I wanted to do it my self – fair enough?

Creating a pagination component emits click events to parent

Creating a pagination component emits click events to parent

Creating a pagination component emits click events to parent

Creating a reusable loader component in Vue Js

Creating a reusable loader component in Vue Js

Let look at how to create a reusable component in Vue Js, to start with we will create a simple loader component.

How to protect your routes using beforeEnter in Vue Js, allowing only logged in user to navigate to it.

How to protect your routes using beforeEnter in Vue Js, allowing only logged in user to navigate to it.

How to protect your routes using beforeEnter in Vue Js, allowing only logged in user can navigate to it.

important Angular and npm commands

important Angular and npm commands

This will have the code snippets to update Angular to latest and the useful npm commands

Uploading files from Angular 2 and ASP.NET Core Web API – Part 1

Uploading files from Angular 2 and ASP.NET Core Web API – Part 1

This is the part 1 demonstrating how to upload the file from Angular 2. Please check out part 2 for the ASP.NET Core server side logic.

Creating quick suburbs look up using ASP.NET Core web API and Angular 2 – part 2

Creating quick suburbs look up using ASP.NET Core web API and Angular 2 – part 2

In this tutorial I will be building a Australian suburb look up module using ASP.NET Core web API, as the second part I will create the client side, using Angular 2

Creating quick suburbs look up using ASP.NET Core web API and Angular 2 – part 1

Creating quick suburbs look up using ASP.NET Core web API and Angular 2 – part 1

In this tutorial I will be building a Australian suburb look up module using ASP.NET Core web API, as the first part I will create the server side.

Creating angular 2 service to work with Google Places API Web Service to get address

Creating angular 2 service to work with Google Places API Web Service to get address

This is a common requirement these days, people prefer to have address auto completion as it easy to make mistakes by typing it manually. In my case I decided to go with Google Places API Web Service.

Extending Angular 2 Observables based service to return data from local Storage.

Extending Angular 2 Observables based service to return data from local Storage.

Angular 2 service utilised the local Storage to save data on client side, but if data not found it will make a server call to get the data and return them to caller.

Angular 2 using DatePipe to format date on TypeScript

Angular 2 using DatePipe to format date on TypeScript

Easiest way to format dates in Angular 2 is to use DatePipe, this tutorial will explain how to get it started quickly.

Pagination on Angular JS 2

Pagination on Angular JS 2

Client side Angular JS 2 pagination using Promise

Configuring the Angular 2 child routes configuration

Configuring the Angular 2 child routes configuration

This example implication show how the child routes can be configured in Angular 2

Setting up tsconfig.json on your ASP.NET Core project for Angular 2 app

Setting up tsconfig.json on your ASP.NET Core project for Angular 2 app

How to set up the tsconfig.json in Visual Studio for your Angular 2 app.