C# querying the EWS Managed API from as core web api

C# querying the EWS Managed API from as core web api

Let see how we can integrate the Microsoft Exchange (AKA EWS) and access the information.

Azure DevOps – Calling REST endpoint via Powershell script

Azure DevOps – Calling REST endpoint via Powershell script

As part of the CI/CD, I had run the migrations I created with TypeORM (NodeJs), I have selected the path of creating a function that runs the script. Endpoint needs to be called once the app deployment is completed. Add a Powershell script with First, you need to run, so you will not get certificate […]

Getting started with Terraform Azure – Provision & Manage any Infrastructure

Getting started with Terraform Azure – Provision & Manage any Infrastructure

Each organisation is different, some has dedicated teams to manage and provision resources. But if you were to manage them your self as a developer, either you login to Azure Portal and create necessary resources yourself or you CI/CD (Infrastructure as a code) do it as part of the release.

Azure Functions – Serve SPA assets using proxies.json that support Angular routes

Azure Functions – Serve SPA assets using proxies.json that support Angular routes

When you work with Azure Functions, you can use Azure table storage “Static website” to store all your Angular bundles and assets or even a CDN. Then you can set up your proxies.json to serve the files, everything is pretty much the basics.

Creating Azure resources through Azure DevOps (VSTS) CI/CD pipeline

Creating Azure resources through Azure DevOps (VSTS) CI/CD pipeline

Create resources automatically using CI/CD, including creating resources such as Storage,  Azure Functions, etc.

Publishing Angular unit test and code coverage results on Azure DevOps CI/CD pipe line

Publishing Angular unit test and code coverage results on Azure DevOps CI/CD pipe line

As most of us know writing unit test is one of the hot topics among developers, and we all try to write to our best abilities and time constraints. This is about how we can publish results to DevOps as part of your Angular build.