
C# – Unit testing a AutoMapper Profile mappings

When you use AutoMapper to map our objects, and AutoMapper profiles are the way we do it, it encapsulates a lot of business logic in some cases. But we need to make sure the business logic gets unit tested.

Below is how you can unit test the AutoMapper profiles, you will need to make sure you cover all the conditions

public void ShouldMapper_MapAdmitAllFields()
        var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.AddProfile<AdmitDtoProfile>());
        var mapper = config.CreateMapper();

        var result = mapper.Map<AdmitCommand, AdmitDto>(_command);

        Assert.AreEqual(result.Id, "1234567890");
        Assert.AreEqual(result.StartDate, new DateTime(1924, 10, 16));
        Assert.AreEqual(result.Code, "FULL");

Simple enough.

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