
C# – Solid principles with C# examples

Solid principles are a set of design principles that help developers create maintainable, scalable, and flexible software. Regardless of the programming language you use, SOLID will help you write more liner, maintainable, extendable code.

The SOLID acronym stands for:

S – Single Responsibility Principle
O – Open/Closed Principle
L – Liskov Substitution Principle
I – Interface Segregation Principle
D – Dependency Inversion Principle

Let’s see them in more detail

Single Responsibility Principle
A class should have only one reason to change.

// Without Single Responsibility Principle 
public class Report 
  public void GenerateReport() 
   // Generate report logic 

  public void SaveReportToFile() 
   // Save report to file logic 

// With Single Responsibility Principle 
public class Report 
  public void GenerateReport() 
    // Generate report logic 

public class ReportSaver 
  public void SaveReportToFile(Report report) 
     // Save report to file logic 


Open/Closed Principle
Software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension but closed for modification.

// Without Open/Closed Principle
public class Rectangle 
 public double Width { get; set; }
 public double Height { get; set; }

public class AreaCalculator 
  public double CalculateArea(Rectangle rectangle) 
    return rectangle.Width * rectangle.Height;

// Adding a new shape requires modifying existing code
public class Circle 
  public double Radius { get; set; }

// With Open/Closed Principle
public abstract class Shape 
  public abstract double CalculateArea();

public class Rectangle : Shape 
  public double Width { get; set; }
  public double Height { get; set; }

  public override double CalculateArea()
    return Width * Height;

public class Circle : Shape 
  public double Radius { get; set; }

  public override double CalculateArea() 
    return Math.PI * Radius * Radius;


Liskov Substitution Principle
Objects of a superclass should be replaceable with objects of a subclass without affecting the correctness of the program.

// Without Liskov Substitution Principle
public class Bird 
  public virtual void Fly() 
    Console.WriteLine("Bird is flying");

public class Ostrich : Bird 
  public override void Fly() 
    // Ostrich can't fly, violates LSP
    Console.WriteLine("Ostrich can't fly");

// With Liskov Substitution Principle
public interface IFlyable 
  void Fly();

public class Bird : IFlyable 
  public void Fly() 
    Console.WriteLine("Bird is flying");

public class Ostrich : IFlyable 
  public void Fly() 
    // Ostrich can't fly, conforms to LSP
    Console.WriteLine("Ostrich can't fly");


Interface Segregation Principle
A client should not be forced to implement interfaces it does not use.

// Without Interface Segregation Principle
public interface IWorker 
  void Work();
  void Eat();

public class Worker : IWorker 
  public void Work() 
    // Work logic
  public void Eat() 
     // Eat logic

// With Interface Segregation Principle
public interface IWorkable 
  void Work();

public interface IEatable 
  void Eat();

public class Worker : IWorkable, IEatable 
  public void Work() 
    // Work logic

  public void Eat() 
  // Eat logic


Dependency Inversion Principle
High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions. Abstractions should not depend on details; details should depend on abstractions.

// Without Dependency Inversion Principle
public class LightBulb 
  public void TurnOn() 
    // Turn on logic

public class Switch 
  private LightBulb bulb;public Switch() 
    bulb = new LightBulb();

  public void Toggle()
    // Toggle logic

// With Dependency Inversion Principle
public interface ISwitchable 
  void TurnOn();

public class LightBulb : ISwitchable 
  public void TurnOn() 
    // Turn on logic

public class Switch 
  private ISwitchable device;

  public Switch(ISwitchable device) 
    this.device = device;

  public void Toggle() 
    // Toggle logic

These simple examples will help us remember

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